Environmental Sustainability Policy


Environmental footprint of willco services ranks really high on our priority list. We are not only committed to reducing our environmental impact but also, we encourage our clients to perform in a more sustainable way. Paperless production management helps willco users to reduce their carbon footprint. We have a special consideration for sustainability in our design, development and delivery process.

Willco team works remotely, the only physical space we share is Google campus facility in Madrid, ruled by very sustainable methods.

All of willco's internal processes are paperless.

As our environmental performance partially depends our suppliers, we also evaluate our vendors in terms of the carbon footprint of their services, trying to choose the most responsible ones.

We host our software on Google servers. As a matter of fact, Google is the largest corporate buyer of renewable energy in the world.

Furthermore, in our office in Madrid we power willco with locally-generated, clean, sustainable electricity from Spanish renewable energy cooperative - Somenergia.

We believe in certain “austerity” in the use of data, even in its digital version. That's why we put a big emphasis on sharing, wisely, the information, instead of multiplying it.


Asia Jarzyna (CEO) is responsible for the environmental policy implementation, however, all willco team is highly compromised to ecological objectives. Furthermore, the model of Social Ecology is an important reference for all decisions taken within our company.


We spare no effort to:

  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Be at the forefront of sustainable solutions' and regulations' proposals to competent authorities.
  • Monitor environmental performance to see if it can be improved somehow.
  • Reduce environmental impacts of our performance and the performance of our clients.
  • Sustain our business decisions on environmental factors.
  • Motivate and train willco team and clients in ecological awareness. We published a guidance document for sustainable productions on our blog, including practical templates for production teams.
  • Participate in local community give-back projects.
  • Developing of services that can be delivered with no physical goods production or transportation.
  • Keep our costs to a minimum by virtual operation of our company and modern communication technologies.


Willco is a SaaS on cloud application, so we don't really print any paperwork.

  • We keep all the processes paperless, including the use of legally binding digital signature for legal paperwork.
  • No packages or printouts are involved in delivering our product to the clients.
  • All our internal communication is carried on with online digital tools, so we don't print any internal documents.
  • We reuse and recycle all paper used sporadically in our offices.


  • We reduce the amount of energy used as much as possible.
  • Lights and electrical equipment are switched off and unplugged when not used.
  • Heating and air conditioning are used in responsible way, using cross ventilation to reduce energy consumption.
  • We turn on power saving settings for all electronic devices.
  • We reduce the use of batteries and use only rechargeable ones when indispensable.
  • We use renewable energy supplier.


  • Wherever possible, our stationery is recycled or recyclable, but, more importantly, we try to avoid using physical stationery or printing documents as far as possible.
  • Our remote collaboration methods substantially reduce office supplies demand.
  • We evaluate the environmental impact of any new products we purchase.
  • We will reuse and recycle as much as possible.
  • We buy only products we really need and we buy second-hand equipment when possible and sell or donate what's not needed anymore.


  • Virtual business structure based on remote collaboration allows our team to work at convenient locations and avoid excess travel.
  • We substantially reduce the commute emissions that's to the remote collaboration.
  • We reduce business travel, attending big international industry events instead of arranging individual business meetings.
  • We promote the use of travel alternatives such as video conferencing.
  • We use public transport, electric car sharing services and city bicycles for local commutes.
  • We track our air/rail travel for carbon reporting.


  • We use nontoxic, environmentally friendly detergents and bulk purchased.
  • We implement office recycling and waste disposal program, including special deposits for media, batteries, and ink cartridges.
  • We use reusable water bottles to avoid plastic bottles.
  • We eliminate plastic products and use reusable only dishes and cutlery.


  • We comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • We continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • We incorporate environmental factors into business decisions.
  • We review this policy on periodical basis, at least twice a year.


Willco researches for sustainability credentials when purchasing goods and services.

Google - Our cloud storage supplier buys all its electricity from renewable sources. Additionally, our servers are based in Belgium, first Google data center powered by on-site solar plants. It is carbon neutral, rated as a company with good environmental record. We are aware that it's not possible to work on 24x7 carbon-free energy, but we use Google facilities in Belgium with quite heavy penetration of renewables. We are aware that there are some greener web hosting providers and this factor is one of our priorities, but we also put huge emphasis on security, therefore we still use google cloud services.

GitHub - we have chosen GitHub not only because of the security reasons, but also for its social policy, focused on improving local and global communities, their social projects have a positive environmental impact.

Ruby on Rails - our application is created with Ruby to deliver maximum performance and operational continuity, allowing us to cut costs associated with dada storage, reducing the carbon footprint of our product.


Well aware of the climate emergency, our goal at willco is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, not only within our organization, but in the entertainment industry itself.

An ambitious net zero target needs to consider both: reduction of the emissions within our company and, above all, a transformation of the paradigm of the film and TV production industry. This is one of the reasons why we created our application, to equip production teams with sustainable, collaborative and remote technologies.

The total annual CO2 emissions of willco activities in 2019 was of 4.3 tonnes.

  • Energy: 0,3
  • Mobility: 2,5
  • Board, material and waste: 1,5

4.3 tonnes of CO2 is the amount produced by 0.88 of a car driven all year round, or by charging your smartphone 548 times. This amount requires 71 tree seedlings grown over 10 years to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Since business travel represents 50 % of our company's greenhouse gas emissions, we are focused on analysing our corporate travel, with the goal of reducing it to the necessary minimum. Basically, avoiding doing business in person, our organisation is based on virtual meetings and demo calls. We also explore lower-carbon options, choosing train over air freights when possible.

We are offsetting our emissions through a UN supported Simoshi/Golden Standard project, changing the traditional cooking practices used in schools in Uganda by installation of efficient cook stoves.


Developing a healthy, fair global and local society.

  • We believe in fair global and local society.
  • We value our team, we make sure all team members enjoy their work and fit it around other important aspects of their lives.
  • We involve young people in our work to train them and help to develop their careers.
  • We allow remote and flexible working, our team members can choose their own place and time of work.
  • We maintain close and positive relationships with our customers to meet all their needs wherever possible.
  • We use local and fair trade products where possible to reduce our carbon footprint and stimulate the local economy.
  • We comply with all equal opportunities laws and regulations.
  • We actively promote the benefits of socially responsible business.
  • We train, motivate and involve our team in the implementation of this policy and ask for feedback on environmental initiatives.


We are not only committed to reducing our environmental impact within our company but above all, we encourage our clients to perform in a more sustainable way.

Our application is a production transformative tool and an efficient production methodology, based on sustainable workflows and impact reduction strategies.

Paperless, collaborative and remote production management helps willco users to reduce their carbon footprint.

We are committed to “less is more” philosophy, and our main objective is transforming the production process into something smarter, efficient, and above all, sustainable. Our objective is to reach a totally paperless production, where all the information is digitally stored to be shared without duplicities.